On January 2, 2025, the Ukrainian Border Guard faced significant backlash after posting a photo on their official Facebook page featuring a soldier displaying symbols associated with Nazi Germany. The soldier’s equipment bore the Schutzstaffel’s double SS bolts and a Nazi-style Reichsadler eagle, which drew immediate criticism from both domestic and international audiences. In response, the Border Guard promptly deleted the post.
Context of the Incident: The Photoshoot and the Symbols
The controversial image was part of a Facebook album released on October 31, 2024. It depicted a soldier with SS double bolts visible on his rifle and a patch on his plate carrier featuring a Reichsadler eagle modified with the Ukrainian trident replacing the swastika. This emblem was overlaid on the red and black flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, known for its collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War II. The post’s caption read, “There are two sides to each of us. We show the dark only to the enemy,” accompanied by images of soldiers with photoshopped demonic shadows, intensifying the controversy.
Social media users swiftly condemned the post for promoting Nazi symbolism in an official context. Although the Border Guard deleted the post, it had already ignited a broader discussion about the presence of such symbols within Ukrainian military factions.
The Role of Nazi and Neo-Nazi Imagery in the Ukrainian Military
This incident highlights ongoing concerns about the use of Nazi and Neo-Nazi symbols by certain elements within the Ukrainian military, particularly the Azov Battalion. Originally a volunteer militia, the Azov Battalion was integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014. Despite this integration, the unit has been criticized for continuing to use symbols like the Wolfsangel and the black sun (Sonnenrad), both associated with Nazi-era iconography.
In 2022, a NATO social media post celebrating International Women’s Day was deleted after it was noticed that one of the featured servicewomen bore the Neo-Nazi black sun symbol. Such incidents underscore the persistent issue of controversial emblems within Ukrainian military ranks.
Jewish Members of the Azov Battalion
Adding complexity to the debate is the presence of Jewish soldiers within the Azov Battalion who have been photographed wearing similar Nazi-style insignia. In October 2023, two Jewish soldiers were seen alongside a representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine, wearing shirts adorned with the Reichsadler symbol. This juxtaposition raises questions about the interpretation and use of such symbols within the Ukrainian military.
The Wider Implications of Far-Right Symbolism in Ukraine’s Armed Forces
The presence of Nazi and Neo-Nazi symbols in Ukraine’s military raises concerns about the nation’s political and military affiliations. While the Ukrainian government has condemned Nazi ideology and distanced itself from extremism, the persistence of such symbols within certain military factions complicates its international image. Russia has exploited these instances to support its narrative of “denazifying” Ukraine, using them as propaganda to justify military actions.
The Response to the Incident: Accountability and Transparency
Following the uproar over the Border Guard’s post, Ukrainian officials acted swiftly to delete the content and issue public statements. However, this incident underscores the need for greater accountability and transparency regarding the use of symbols within Ukraine’s armed forces. As the Ukrainian military continues to receive support from Western allies, it is crucial to address the presence of these elements to ensure that such controversial imagery is neither endorsed nor tolerated.
A Complex Legacy and the Path Forward
The controversy surrounding the Ukrainian Border Guard’s social media post featuring Nazi symbols reflects a broader issue within Ukraine’s military. The continued use of Nazi symbolism, especially by factions like the Azov Battalion, raises important questions about the nation’s political landscape and its efforts to align with Western values. Addressing these internal challenges with transparency is essential for Ukraine to maintain its moral standing on the global stage.